Tuesday, March 27, 2012
2012 Outstanding Airmen of the Year (OAY)
It is with great pleasure I announce the following individuals as AFSOC’s nominees for the 2012 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award;
Amn: SrA Daniel Cutrell, 23d Special Tactics Squadron, Hurlburt Fld, FL
SNCO: SMSgt Jeffrey George, Special Tactics Training Squadron, Hurlburt Field, FL
These Airmen represent AFSOC’s "best of the best" and have my greatest appreciation for their devoted service and dedication, and they will now compete at the Air Force level.
For the Commander
Whip Wilson Funeral Arrangements Update
As of yesterday (26 Mar 12) through conversation with Whip's sister, the family is moving forward to plan a "celebration of life" service on 28 Apr 2012 in Fort Walton Beach. The target date was chosen to afford as many people as possible the opportunity to participate in this event. Especially those who may be coming from out of town.
The venue and time are TBD and are being coordinated. More to follow. Thanks for helping to get the word out.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Mens Health article mentioning CCT
TSgt. William H. Jefferson Memorial Push Ups
TSgt. William H. Jefferson Jr., 34, of Norfolk, Va., died 22 March 2008 from wounds received when his vehicle struck an IED near Sperwan Ghar, Afghanistan. Jefferson was from Air Force Special Operations Command’s 21st Special Tactics Squadron at Pope AFB, N.C.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Richard E (Whip) Wilson has passed
Winds calm, brother! Cleared for takeoff!
19 Nov 1953 – 20 Mar 2012
Pat G. C. Moulton
Alamo Gathering II (Check writing info)
Would appreciate it if you would put a blog out to that effect on any attendees coming to the Alamo Gathering II at San Antonio please write their checks out to "CCA Mini Reunion (Alvin Huddleston)" . They must include my name on the check in order for the bank to cash them and credit the money to our CCA mini reunion sub account.
Send checks to:
12510 Green Darner
San Antonio, Texas 78253.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Rob Griffin Prayer Request
Linda Grffin
Thursday, March 15, 2012
CCA Alamo Gathering II Update
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Congratulate our latest CCT SMSgt Selects.
SMSgt (Sel) Kenneth E. Huhman
SMSgt (Sel) Donald L. Stevenson
SMSgt (Sel) Brian W. Loudermilk
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Job Opening
Monday, March 5, 2012
Position at Kadena
Job Announcement Number:8T-AFPC-617447-525110-JF
It is GS09 Full Time - Permanent.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
TSgt John Chapman AFC Citation
On this date, during his helicopter insertion for a reconnaissance and time sensitive targeting close air support mission, Sergeant Chapman's aircraft came under heavy machine gun fire and received a direct hit from a rocket propelled grenade which caused a United States Navy sea-air-land team member to fall from the aircraft. Though heavily damaged, the aircraft egressed the area and made an emergency landing seven kilometers away.
Once on the ground Sergeant Chapman established communication with an AC-130 gunship to insure the area was secure while providing close air support coverage for the entire team. He then directed the gunship to begin the search for the missing team member. He requested, coordinated, and controlled the helicopter that extracted the stranded team and aircrew members. These actions limited the exposure of the aircrew and team to hostile fire.
Without regard for his own life Sergeant Chapman volunteered to rescue his missing team member from an enemy strong hold. Shortly after insertion, the team made contact with the enemy. Sergeant Chapman engaged and killed two enemy personnel. He continued to advance reaching the enemy position then engaged a second enemy position, a dug-in machine gun nest. At this time the rescue team came under effective enemy fire from three directions.
From close range he exchanged fire with the enemy from minimum personal cover until he succumbed to multiple wounds. His engagement and destruction of the first enemy position and advancement on the second position enabled his team to move to cover and break enemy contact. In his own words, his Navy sea-air-land team leader credits Sergeant Chapman unequivocally with saving the lives of the entire rescue team.
Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, aggressiveness in the face of the enemy, and the dedication to the service of his country, Sergeant Chapman reflects the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Don't forget your Memorial Push Ups
4 March 2002