Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Robert Pittman's Fundraising Page for The Scott Firefighter Stairclimb

We are close to making our donations goal but not quite there yet.
The link below makes the process very, very easy and you can donate any amount that you choose, and of course any amount is greatly appreciated. I know all of us have had loved ones that have fought the ultimate battle with cancer and experienced all the ugliness involved. This is a worthy cause that helping children that have the dreaded disease. The event that I am running is grueling, this will be my fourth time and believe me it is not getting easier. If I did not believe I would not be putting myself through the ringer.

Again, thank you all for your support and hope to see your name on the donation contributor's list.

I will let you all know how the event goes after itis over.

Thank you,
Robert "Pitt" Pittman


1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys,
    want to thank you all for the support to make this the most successful money maker in history. We almost tripled our fund raising expectations this year (earned 13K) and you all were a big part of it.
    My race went just like I wanted it, slow build up of hard breathing to an overwhelming crescendo of lactic acid agony and burning lungs when I crossed the finish line. No stopping, slowing down, or even allowing the thought of taking it easy enter my mind. My most memorable climb yet, but, I was still two minutes slower than what I had hoped for. It
    took 17 minutes and change to get to the top and I will have to go back to do it again next year. You have helped raise the bar in our
    charitable fund raising and helped many children's lives to be a little better during their battle with cancer.

    Thank you all for your generosity and hope that your good will comes back to you tenfold. God
    bless all, take care.

    Robert "Pitt" Pittman
