Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chief Norrad Receives National Award

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, presented CMSgt (ret) Wayne Norrad the DeProspero Lifetime Achievement Award on 8 Feb in Washington DC.

The DeProspero Award is presented annually and recognizes sustained, distinguished service of an individual who has made distinctive contributions in the areas of Special Operations or Low Intensity Conflict over a period of many years.

Chief Norrad received the award from the National Defense Industrial Association. The other major award recipient was General (ret) Pete Schoomaker.

Great night for CCT, ST and the AF.

Robert G. Armfield
Colonel, USAF
Commander, 720th Special Tactics Group


  1. Terrific and well deserved! Congratulations Chief. NN

  2. Wayne,

    I can't think of anyone who deserves this honor more or who has done more on behalf of the mission and his teammates. Thanks for setting the standard high.

    Tom Connell

  3. Special Tactics, the USAF, and all if Special Operations are in your debt. Thanks for everything! Congratulations on the award!
