Monday, February 7, 2011

Nashville (BNA) Mini Reunion

Nashville (BNA) Mini Reunion is scheduled for the weekend following Mother’s Day and the planned dates for this year are 12 thru 15 May 2011.

Arrive Thursday 12 May 2011

Golf Friday a.m. est. first tee time @ 0900 hrs, 13 May 2011, informal gathering for evening meal and drinks.

Golf Saturday a.m. est. first tee time @ 0900hrs, 14 May 2011, evening sit down dinner with planned cocktail hour @ 1800 hrs, dinner to be served @ 1900 hours.

Sunday 15 May 2011, breakfast, goodbyes, depart for home.

The above follows his normal plan, now here is where we need your help. Would you run the above information on the CCA blog and request all who planning to attend the BNA reunion to please RSVP either Billie at> , home phone 931-468-2836, cell 931-309-8245 or me at> , home 618-624-0908, cell 618-791-2330 to confirm your intentions. We further request you reply NLT 20 February 2011 in order for Billie to contact the hotel for reservations. Billie normally reserves 30 rooms at the hotel where we stay and he is obligated to pay for 10 of those rooms when the reservation is made.

Thanks for your help.
Tim McCann

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