Friday, June 21, 2013

CCT 60th Anniversary Reunion Volunteer Opportunities

We're looking for volunteers for the 60th CCA Reunion 16 - 19 Oct 2013, both local and members attending the reunion.  Specifically looking for members to help with the following events/tasks.

1.  Hospitality Suite--initial stocking/set up/manning/clean up each day, need an overall POC

2.  Registration--each day, need an overall POC

3.  Welcoming reception--plan and execute this event

4.  Monster Mash--procure/set up/clean up post event refreshments for all competitors and volunteers, work with 23 STS Planner

5.  Golf Tournament--registration/set up/assist/cart girls/clean up, work with Rick Crutchfield

6.  Poker Tournament--registration/set up/run/assist/clean up, work with Mike West

7.  Memorial Service--set up/run/assist/clean up, need an overall POC

8.  Business Meeting--set up/assist/clean up, work with Mickey Wright

9.  Banquet--registration/set up/assist/clean up, work with Chris Larkin

10.  General Admin support

People can volunteer for a specific event or task otherwise we will start filling in the blanks.

v/r MW

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