Tuesday, June 28, 2016

24 SOW Golf Tourney 22 July 2016

24th Special Operations Wing

Golf Tournament

Hidden Creek Golf Course

22 July, 0900, Shotgun Start


4 Person Teams

Entry Fee: $60.00 Per Payer

Mulligans/Strings Available upon registration

Call or Email Team info to steven.haggett.2@us.af.mil, 850-884-0733

Or Cell: 850-621-6611

Entry fee includes lunch!


üFirst, Second and Third Place Teams

üClosest to the Pin

üLongest Drive

üWORST Team Score

Raffle: $5.00 Per Ticket
5 for $20.00

Our organization is volunteering their off-duty time for this event that is completely unrelated to any official business of the United States Air Force or Hurlburt Field.  This event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Air Force.

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