On Saturday 26 April,they will go on sale at the Emerald coast collision center "Crash Bash", 129 Hollywood.
On Saturday from noon till 6 PM the collision center will be doing their 18th Crash Bash (flyer attached). The crash bash will be fun with acookout much like what we will do for the Harley Raffle in Sep. It is free, there will be live music, door prizes, and a space walk for thekids. Warrior foundation will have a booth and will be selling raffletickets for the harley to be raffled in Sep. Stop by and buy one [or if you are dealt in as a foundation guy with plans to sell 10, I can sign out a block of tickets to you.] Cash or checks will work.
Checks should be made to Lyndon Poff or Steve Connelly. We will make 7 to 9 thousand for the SOWF (my estimate). The raffle off dinner will be 6 Sep.
Hope to see you at the crash bash to kick off this fundraiser for the SOWF. You will not get a tax deduction for this as the donation per ticket is small and the SOWF staff is smaller. We talked to SOWF about this. It is still a good deal for a good cause, even if you are just taking your spouse out for some BBQ, fun with friends, and a few drinks. There will be lots of stuff raffled to losers. The last ticket drawn will be the harley winner. Thanks for supporting the foundation. If you can come to the crash bash even for a few minutes,check out the barbeque, and thank Mr Poff for his work for the foundation in raffling off the bike, and cooking for 'us'.
Foundation guys, thank you!.
Cindy, thank you.
Steve Connelly, Contractor (Wintec), AFSOC/ A5RX -CV-22 ProgramTele: 850 884 3420, DSN 579 3420, FAX 2549
email: Connells@Hurlburt.af.mil